By making the purchase you acknowledge and agree that the goods are bespoke, and made specifically for you, they are bespoke goods and are produced only after the customer's purchase has been made and confirmed. Before customers purchase, no stock of the purchased goods exists.
After making a purchase, you have 24 hours to cancel or change the customer's order (size, color, quantity, and shipping address). After this timeframe, customers' orders will go into production and we cannot change it for you.
Please send an email to with detailed information as below:
Subject: Change (or Cancel) the order {Enter the customers' order number here – you can find it in the confirmation email after placing the order}
What you want to change (size, color, quantity, shipping address) or cancel the order.
We will reply to customers' emails within 24 – 48 hours.
Once the 24 hours have elapsed and the customer's purchase goes into production, the customer's rights to make changes or cancellations are forfeited. Other than where goods are faulty, you have no right to cancel any order or return any goods purchased and all orders are final.